Hybrid EMT, EMR, CPA & First Aid Training

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2025 Hybrid EMT Course Application

Attend only 2 1/2 to 3 days of skills sessions. Everything else done independently, with instructors available to answer questions!

About Hybrid Courses: Our hybrid courses allow for students to complete all "book work" and at-home skills work on their own schedule and come in for just skills sessions to learn specific skills and how to "put it all together." This format works very well for individuals who do not have the time to sit in class for an excessive amount of time and/or can learn material in a self-learn format. It is not designed for individuals who need the traditional classroom format of an instructor lecturing, although we do have tools to help that type of learner as well.

Coronavirus Update: At this time, we are not having in-person orientation sessions, so students are required to purchase an eBook option for the course. We do, however, anticipate restarting in-person orientation sessions by March, with the option of printed textbooks. In the meantime, if a student would like a printed textbook as well, we suggest purchasing a used copy on Amazon (Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured, which can be delivered direct). However, an ebook is still needed, as it contains access to our Navigate Online Course.

Note on in-person skills sessions: Given our hybrid/online format, students have not been greatly impacted by the virus, as they can continue coursework in the comfort of their own home, with all "book work" needing to be completed prior to attending skills sessions. Coursework will continue as usual and ETA staff will continue to work from home, remaining available to answer questions. Due to COVID, we have also re-designed the "in-class" skills portion of our course and ultimately requiring students to attend only 2-3 days in person. Prior to the first in-person skills day, students will spend the equivelent of what would normally be 3 full days of skills, reviewing video sessions and practicing skills at home. Certain equipment will be provided to students who are local (a splint and some bandages). Students who are not local can improvise with other material, or purchase it through Amazon. All components of what had been our traditional boot camp skills week has been converted to short video segments for students, so there is no loss of course content moving to the alternate method. And in most cases, students are coming to class better prepared, as they are able to pause, rewind, and rewatch the video sessions as needed to master the skills. The first day of the in-person skills session involves practicing the skills and the last day is testing. To keep students safe, students will be screened upon entering the building and will be required to wear gloves and a mask whenever in the building. Students exhibiting any signs of illness, or who have been exposed to someone with the virus, will need to reschedule for a later skills session.

Course Options:  ETA is offering the following Hybrid EMT Courses.

Note: It is our policy to accept students on a first come, first serve basis until the class is full.

Which course should I take? All of our courses are hybrid in nature. This means that the majority of the "book work" is completed independently on your own schedule. Students do have access to instructors to answer questions or explain concepts further. For students who prefer to have information presented to them, we recommend purchases the textbook package which includes interactive lectures. All online coursework must be completed prior to attending the first day of the in-class skills week. Students spend on average 2-3 hours per chapter completing the bookwork and there are 41 chapters. Expect to spend 100-120 hours completing the bookwork. You will then spend approximately 20-24 additional hours reviewing skills videos and practicing skills prior to your in-person skills sessions. The final due date for submission of all "book work" is 2 weeks prior to the first in-person skills session and at-home skills work is due 1 week prior to your in-person skills sessions. Students who enroll early can have several months to get through course material. Students who join an accelerated course may have only 1 month to complete the coursework. If you do not complete the coursework by the due date, you can transfer to a later session, however, there is a transfer fee (currently $750). Additional start dates will be added to each course/skill session until classes are full.

Spring II 2025 Hybrid EMT Class - Attend only 3 days of in-class skills training in June 2025:

Start Date:

February 10, 2025 official start date [Note:Students can start early. Registration will close when class is full.]

Mandatory In-Class Skills Sessions: June 16-19, 2025 from 8:30a to 5:30p

Course Location:
59 N. Bailey Road
Thorndale, PA 19320
Enroll Now!

This hybrid boot-camp course will offer in-person skills sessions June 16-19, 2025 from 8:30a to 5:30p [students will be assigned 3 days to attend]. All other "book" and at home skills work is done independently plus watching and demonstrating several skills videos when it is convenient for you, but concluding at least 1-2 weeks prior to the in-person skills sessions.

Spring/Summer I 2025 Hybrid EMT Class - Attend only 3 days of in-class skills training in June 2025:

Start Date:

February 10, 2025 official start date [Note:Students can start early. Registration will close when class is full.]

Mandatory In-Class Skills Sessions: June 27-30, 2025 from 8:30a to 5:30p

Course Location:
59 N. Bailey Road
Thorndale, PA 19320
Enroll Now!

This hybrid boot-camp course will offer in-person skills sessions June 16-19, 2025 from 8:30a to 5:30p [students will be assigned 3 days to attend]. All other "book" and at home skills work is done independently plus watching and demonstrating several skills videos when it is convenient for you, but concluding at least 1-2 weeks prior to the in-person skills sessions.

Spring/Summer II 2025 Hybrid EMT Class - Attend only 3 days of in-class skills training in July 2025:

Start Date:

February 10, 2025 official start date [Note:Students can start early. Registration will close when class is full.]

Mandatory In-Class Skills Sessions: July 14-17, 2025 from 8:30a to 5:30p

Course Location:
59 N. Bailey Road
Thorndale, PA 19320
Enroll Now!

This hybrid boot-camp course will offer in-person skills sessions June 16-19, 2025 from 8:30a to 5:30p [students will be assigned 3 days to attend]. All other "book" and at home skills work is done independently plus watching and demonstrating several skills videos when it is convenient for you, but concluding at least 1-2 weeks prior to the in-person skills sessions.

Spring/Summer III 2025 Hybrid EMT Class - Attend only 3 days of in-class skills training in July 2025:

Start Date:

February 10, 2025 official start date [Note:Students can start early. Registration will close when class is full.]

Mandatory In-Class Skills Sessions: July 28-31, 2025 from 8:30a to 5:30p

Course Location:
59 N. Bailey Road
Thorndale, PA 19320
Enroll Now!

This hybrid boot-camp course will offer in-person skills sessions June 16-19, 2025 from 8:30a to 5:30p [students will be assigned 3 days to attend]. All other "book" and at home skills work is done independently plus watching and demonstrating several skills videos when it is convenient for you, but concluding at least 1-2 weeks prior to the in-person skills sessions.

Spring/Summer IV 2025 Hybrid EMT Class - Attend only 3 days of in-class skills training in August 2025:

Start Date:

February 10, 2025 official start date [Note:Students can start early. Registration will close when class is full.]

Mandatory In-Class Skills Sessions: August 13-16, 2025 from 8:30a to 5:30p

Course Location:
59 N. Bailey Road
Thorndale, PA 19320
Enroll Now!

This hybrid boot-camp course will offer in-person skills sessions June 16-19, 2025 from 8:30a to 5:30p [students will be assigned 3 days to attend]. All other "book" and at home skills work is done independently plus watching and demonstrating several skills videos when it is convenient for you, but concluding at least 1-2 weeks prior to the in-person skills sessions.

Summer/Fall I 2025 Hybrid EMT Class - Attend only 1 weekend of in-class skills training in September 2025:

Start Date:

February 10, 2025 official start date [Note:Students can start early. Registration will close when class is full.]

Mandatory In-Class Skills Sessions: September 19, 2025 from 6:00 to 10:00pm and September 20 and 21, 2025, from 8:30a to 5:30p

Course Location:
59 N. Bailey Road
Thorndale, PA 19320
Enroll Now!

This hybrid boot-camp course will offer in-person skills sessions September 19, 2025 from 6:00 to 10:00pm and September 20 and 21, 2025, from 8:30a to 5:30p.. All other "book" and at home skills work is done independently plus watching and demonstrating several skills videos when it is convenient for you, but concluding at least 1-2 weeks prior to the in-person skills sessions.

Course Information:


Tuition is $1650 for the basic eBook package. This cost includes the eBook and all online material. Interactive Lectures are available for an additional $175 fee. Please note that access to the eBook requires internet connection. [Note: We are currently not offering a printed textbook option at this time. If students prefer a printed textbook, we recommend they purchase a used copy online; however, the eBook option will still be required for participation in this course.]

Students must also purchase a few supplies including a stethescope and BP cuff prior to attending the in-person skillls session. A list of supplies will be provided. The total cost is generally $50-$75. ETA no longer provides these supplies direct as many students are not local and students need them prior to attending the in-person sessions.

Registration Process: Our registration process has recently changed.

  1. Complete the course application. You willl then be taken to a payment page. Payment is due at the time of application. If you are not ready to make your payment, please do not submit an application.

  2. Usually within 24 hours of making your payment, you will receive a welcome email with access information and instructions for how to complete the course. Please note that there are NO REFUNDS once your application has been accepted and processed.

If you are being sponsored by an organization, you will not be required to submit payment; however, a letter of intent to pay must be emailed to info@emergencytraining.pro. Within 24 hours of receiving the signed document from your sponsor, we will email a welcome packet.

CPR and Other Training Requirements:

CPR certification is a prerequisite and must be obtained prior to the first in-person skills session. You can still enroll in the course even though you do not have this certification, as long as you understand you must obtain it prior to the in-class skills sessions. You must be certified in AHA BLS Provider or ARC Basic Life Support or another certification method accepted by PA DOH Bureau of EMS. ETA offers CPR courses separately. Check our schedule for upcoming dates and times. You must present a copy of your CPR certification at class on on the first in-class skills session.

ICS and HAZWOPER Certifications: As a co-requisite, students must take ICS100, ICS700, and HAZWOPER. Links to these courses are provided within the course. All classes are online and should take approximately 1-2.5 hours each for the ICS classes and 2.5-3 hours for HazMat. Links to these courses are provided within our online course. If you have certification from another agency, simply submit a copy of your certification.

Other Information:

Minimum Age: Students must be at least 16 years of age prior to the state certification exams. If you are 15 y.o. but will turn 16 by the end of the course, you can take the course.

Patient Contacts: Students must complete 10 patient contacts prior to the end of the course. This can be completed in various ways including volunteering with local ambulance companies and specialty centers. We will work with you to get the required contacts if you can not obtain them through a traditional manner. [COVID Note: During the pandemic, this requirement can be completed by assessing a neighbor or through simulations during the class]

Functional Job Description: In order for state certification, students must meet the minimum requirements for the functional job description of an EMT. Click here to read these requirements.

Criminal History: Students will be required to complete state registration forms and disclose any positive criminal history. A positive history will not prevent acceptance into the course, however, it may impact one's ability to obtain state certification. Authorization for certification is solely at the discretion of the PA DOH Bureau of EMS. Individuals with a positive criminal history are encouraged to contact the local Regional EMS Council for more information if this is a concern.

Certification Exams
Upon successful completion of the EMT course, student become eligible to take the state/NREMT certification exams. Pennsylvania uses the NREMT exams for its certification process. This consists of a psychomotor (skills) exam administered through the 13 regional EMS councils and the NREMT cognitive exam administered at a Pearson Vue testing site. The cost of the NREMT cognitive exam is currently $104 (subject to change), which is paid directly to NREMT prior to scheduling the exam. All certification exams are administered by the PA DOH Bureau of EMS and NREMT and are beyond the control of ETA. While the cognitive exam can be completed anywhere in the Country, the psychomotor exam MUST be taken in PA. Chester County usually administers the exam the third Saturday of each month (unless it falls on a holiday). You can register for their psychomotor exam at destraining.chesco.org. To determine exam dates in other areas, you will need to call individual EMS Councils. A list of Regional EMS councils can be found at: http://pehsc.org/resources/regional-ems-councils/. Most other regions will not let you register for an exam until you successfully complete the course.

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